Housing Works: Turning Research to Action for Equitable Housing

March 11, 2024
Housing Works brings together cutting-edge research and creative practices that are having a real impact in the development and provision of equitable housing. Addressing our national housing crisis requires profound changes in how we fund and build housing. These changes may involve overhauls of the existing regulatory system, significant expansion of different funding sources, and creative adoption of new design and construction methods. This symposium invites academic field-leaders to present their work toward enabling equitable housing across diverse domains and to share their experiences bridging academic institutions and public entities.
This event is generously supported by the Raoul Wallenberg Memorial Lecture Fund at Taubman College. The Raoul Wallenberg Lecture was initiated in 1971 by Sol King, a former classmate of Wallenberg’s. An endowment was established in 1976 for an annual lecture to be offered in Raoul’s honor on the theme of architecture as a humane social art.
Event Details:
Enabling Equitable Housing:
Examples from the Field
Dana Cuff,cityLAB, UCLA
Martha Galvez, Housing Solutions Lab, NYU Furman Center
Karla Sierralta, Hawai’i Housing Lab,University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Housing Research from the Ground Up:Driving Equitable Policy Change in Residential Displacement and Infill
Karen Chapple, Director, School of Cities, University of Toronto